(the) Coming Home

A prayer in the form of a short film; both poem, a ritual as well as an offering.

A dedication to spirit, to the earth and to the ancestors.

Only when we are broken and ripped apart are we able to see the light that holds us all together. Through the journey of a long-death experience of deep illness, to the core, through the inner work, the dream world  and into the crest and finally to the place of healing can we take our lives back to be able to live again.

Our lives can then become sacréd and dedicated in reverence to our ancestors and the earth on which we live.


The Coming Home by Diarmúid Hanley

©Diarmúid Hanley 2021


Filmed & Directed by Jeremy Le Fèvre
Colour Grading by Joe Hulbert

Score by future natural

©JeremyLeFevre 2021